Salvaging Your Family’s Property—Mold Identification And Remediation Steps

Inheriting a property may pave the way to happiness and a stable future. Before moving into a residence that has been unoccupied for some time, it is important to conduct an air quality check and test the premises for mold growth.

The Formation Of Mold

A home that has been unoccupied for some time may have been exposed to elevated moisture or may have endured a natural weather-related event that led to pooling water and mold growth. Mold is a fungal growth that is commonly found on damp, dark surfaces. An empty home that has not been well-maintained and that has not had anyone living in it for an extended period may have endured fungal growth that will make a residence uninhabitable.

Cracks in structural materials, inadequate ventilation, and precipitation could compromise the air quality within a home. Mold spreads when the conditions within a structure are favorable for fungal growth. The lack of ventilation, plus outdoor weather conditions, could contribute to a serious mold problem.

A Contractor's Services

Before any changes are made to the residence that you have inherited, it is important to seek services through a mold remediation contractor. This type of contractor uses specialized equipment and testing materials to determine if mold is present and has made an interior room or multiple rooms unsafe to occupy. This type of contractor uses visuals, sample materials, and technical equipment to verify that mold is present.

A contractor will block off areas, which will ultimately prevent mold spores from spreading into other parts of a home. First, a visual walkthrough will be conducted. This process will require a contractor to utilize safety gear and clothing that will not put them in danger of the negative attributes of mold. Mold can be visually detected. Streaking that is detected on flooring, ceiling materials, or walls may indicate that fungal growth is present.

Air quality tests will support the detection of mold. Ventilation is essential for a home that has been unoccupied and that has endured mold damage. A contractor may use plastic sheeting and other materials to seal off any rooms that have mold in them. An important part of the remediation process involves taking measures to prevent mold spores from spreading. If a visual inspection and testing strategies indicate that mold is located within one distinct part of the home, a contractor will take steps to ensure that it remains within an isolated area while it is being mitigated.

Contact a mold remediation company to learn more. 
